About Me

Hi! I’m Natali Martinez the Founder and CEO of The Gutsy Latina and a world traveler, writer, and travel educator helping BIPOC women cultivate personal growth through solo travel.

In 2019, I made a much-needed personal and professional transition from a career as a full-time accountant to a full-time solo traveler and entrepreneur.

Leading up to what would become a three-year journey, I had traveled as much as my two-week PTO allowed and went from exploring with family and friends to solo traveling.

Travel has always brought me an indescribable visceral joy and has been where I could learn, be curious, and feel grounded. Solo travel also proved to offer me the solitude I needed and would become the vehicle that led me back to me.

Solo travel is more than visiting beautiful and interesting destinations. It is about the enriching path to authenticity, healing, empowerment, and connection.

I now help women utilize solo travel as a means to get ‘under the hood’ on what really matters and as a way to explore with intention and purpose.

My experience includes eight years of solo travel, three years of full-time solo travel, and living and traveling throughout 20 countries and counting.
